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Massage Therapy


At Healing Vibes, I am dedicated to bringing you a range of exceptional massage therapy services with the focus is not just on relaxation but on the transformative benefits that regular massages can offer. I tailor each session to meet your specific needs, providing a personalized experience that goes beyond the ordinary. From the soothing strokes of a Swedish massage to the targeted relief of deep tissue work, my services are crafted to release tension, promote circulation, and restore balance to both your body and mind. Regular massages not only provide immediate relaxation but also contribute to long-term well-being. They enhance flexibility, reduce stress, and alleviate muscle soreness, fostering a healthier, more vibrant you..



RMT is an acronym for Registered Massage Therapist and in order to become an RMT in the province of Ontario, you must register with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO). This process involves completing an accredited MT program and passing a standardized exam. Once you are registered with the CMTO, you are then able to use the title of Registered Massage Therapist or Massage Therapist, and the designation of RMT or MT.

Only members of the CMTO are permitted to use these titles and designation, so if you see someone advertising themselves as an RMT or MT, you can be sure that they are properly trained and qualified. RMTs are trained in the assessment and treatment of soft tissue and joints of the body. The term “RMT” is often used interchangeably with “massage therapy.”

I (Linda McCormack) became a qualified RMT in 2001 and therefore Healing vibes is a Registered Massage Therapy (RMT) clinic.

RMT treatments can help alleviate pain, muscle tenderness, and stiffness - whether caused by everyday activity, injury or stress. Since I am a RMT I will work with you to create the best treatment plan that best suits your needs. If you’re seeking a Registered Massage Therapist, be sure to book your next appointment with me.

Contact Us

17 King St, Picton ON

(289) 768-2683


Service Hours

Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday: By Appointment Only

Sunday: Closed

Social Media


2025 | Healing Vibes RMT | Sitemap

Contact Us

Service Hours

Social Media

17 King St, Picton ON


(289) 768-2683

Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday: By Appointment Only

Sunday: Closed

2025 |Healing Vibes RMT | Sitemap
